
Crux is commonly referred to in rock climbing as the most difficult point in a climb. You have to climb passed the crux to finish out the route. It takes practice, perseverance, training, and grit to get through the crux and to finish the route. We started Crux Wilderness Therapy with that very mindset. In life we encounter challenges that we have to get through sometimes on the daily, but moving through challenges isn’t always easy.

It is our hope for the veterans that come to Crux Wilderness, to use this program to get through whatever crux they are facing; to build community and to learn long term sustainable strategies for mental and physical health by engaging in outdoor activities. You signed the contract to be in service; your time may be up in the military, but now you’re faced with the task of getting back into a new routine. We’re here to acknowledge that finding that work-life balance is hard, but we’re going to try and get through it together. Therefore, we don’t want to create a time straining schedule. We will have a calendar of our clinics posted monthly and our clinics are free to veterans and active military! We do have a voluntary donation option upon signing up for a clinic. Consider this voluntary donation a tip for our rock guides!

  • The definition of crux, according to Merriam-Webster, 1. : a puzzling or difficult problem: an unsolved question. 2: an essential point requiring resolution or resolving an outcome. 3: a main or central feature.
